The Supreme Court condemned the State to pay a compensation of $900 million pesos( almost $US1.3 million) to the families of four victims of the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.
The tribunal pronounced the verdict after establish that the disappearance and death of the 4 men in the hands of dictatorship’s agents among 1973 and 1974 “are illicit that constitute crimes against humanity, therefore, are imprescriptible and not eligible for amnesty in the penal and civil aspect”, the Judicial Power informed.
The main part of the compensation would be for the relatives of Miguel Rojas and his son Gilberto Rojas, who were detained by militaries in October 13th of 1973, near to Parral, a month after the dictatorship of Pinochet was installed. The pay come to $700 million pesos, almost a million dollars.
In case of the other two victims, who were detained and missing in 1974, the State should pay US$272.000 and US$16.000 to their families.