The hospital of Angol, delivered a body without practice autopsy. Thus, the SML, Legal Medical Service, removed the body while it was having a wake.
According with the Medina Ruz family, from the Angol’s commune, after a car accident one of their relatives died in the hospital due to the serious injuries.
John Medina told after his brother died, they asked in many opportunities if the autopsy practice was necessary, but the hospital’s professionals dismissed the procedure.
However, while the veiling ceremony was celebrating, the Police and the SML arrived, removing the body from the coffin and brought it in order to fulfill with the procedure. Giving it back some hours later.
In addition, Medina criticized the SAMU unit due to its slowness reaction. Because even though the hospital is 10 minutes far from the accident place, the ambulance arrived an hour late.
Bio Bio has contacted the Angol’s Hospital to gather more information with the purpose to elucidate if it was a negligence or not. But the hospital’s administration indicated they were folding the antecedents to refer themselves about the issue, but since then it doesn´t happened.